Disappointments temper triumphs in this story of Nathan, a young maths genius on the autistic spectrum, but in a way that is ultimately the opposite of disappointing.

Something is wrong. Something is broken. Something is missing. This is what pain tells us, and when pain goes on and on through time, unabated and unchanged, we can be confident that something has

‘You smell like a patchouli fart’, says homicide cop ‘Bigfoot’ (Josh Brolin). His crewcut and skinny black tie signal him to be part of the straight-laced, conservative contingent of his 1970s Los Angeles, antitype

The Turing test is one of the fundamental ideas in the philosophy of AI (artificial intelligence), and usually involves a computer hidden away from a person who is dialoguing with it. The test is passed when

He does not like people and people do not like him, reports Daka (Naomi Watts) in a thick Russian accent, seated in a diner in Brooklyn.  ‘Why you like him?’, she asks the boy who is

Some things in this world we are never going to understand. Take, for instance, a man standing in a public fountain, naked, arms raised and shouting incomprehensibly to the heavens. Cases like this, the

‘Maybe good isn’t your thing.’ These are the words, something of a lukewarm absolution, that Milo (Bill Hader) offers to his sister, Maggie (Kristen Wiig), after she confesses to having slept with three other